Rigorous exercise isn’t for everyone — maybe you don’t have the time, the energy or the physical ability to hit the gym for a workout, or go for a jog in the park. Working out gets harder as you get older, and puts stresses and strains on your back and joints.
But what if you could get the benefits of exercise with no effort? Neelu’s Salon in Dublin is home to the latest in effortless exercise technology that guarantees inch loss results without aching muscles or a sweaty gym bag!
The Virtual Gym and Arsays systems are both revolutionary inch loss treatments that incorporate state-of-the-art technology for coordinated muscle stimulation. You can take the work out of the workout with a tailored programme that starts from as little as a 20-minute session.
Arasys was developed by the co-inventor of the heart pacemaker, Gerry Pollock. The Virtual Gym is the latest edition with a lot more functions and can work on visceral fat and bigger areas on the body.